There comes a time in every blogger's life where we've got to pack up, change hosts, and get a fresh start. Okay, that may not apply to every blogger, but it applies (and has applied) to me on multiple occasions. every year or two to be accurate. I honestly can't count the number of times I've read or heard, "STOP CHANGING YOUR NAME," each time I present my friends with the "new," blog name, or more officially, "brand renovation." Should I be embarrassed that I have yet to find a direction and stick with it? Probably. Am I embarrassed? Not at all, because each change makes absolute perfect sense... to me, at least.
What happened to Haute Hommie, you wonder (you probably don't care at all, but I'll share for shiggles). Conceptually, I thought it was However, visually and aurally, it was possibly the most pretentious title I'd ever come up with. Believe it or not, the only thing I dreaded more than telling people the name of my blog was correcting people after they mispronounced it. No. It's haute... like, haute couture; hommie is like a blend of "homme," and "homie." Both H's are silent. Could I possibly sound like any more of a tool? I mean, I love tooling on people just as much as the next guy, but if people can't even get through the name of my blog before I'm correcting them, that's just not a good brand strategy.
With all that said, May 1, 2013, marks the first day of my ongoing Holy War on Style. Don't look for an explanation here. That's what an about page is for.